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ENSAINS JOURNAL Vol 2, No 1 (2019): ENSAINS Journal Januari 2019

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (0.272 KB) | DOI: 10.31848/ensains.v2i1.148


Abstract:. Phenomenology today develops as one of fundamental research method whose assumptions respect human uniqueness and subjective experiences. Phenomenon as experienced consciously by human was analyzed by two descriptions: textual description and scriptural description. Phenomenology, in essential, taught people to interact and learn more from phenomenon so that the meaning of reality, and the natural essence of reality, could be grasped by the observer. Using literature studies, namely solving problems by tracing the sources of writing that have been made before. Subject experience, in this case, is a phenomenon which is the subject matter under study. The first dimension is the factual experience of the subject, objective and even physical, while the second dimension is the opinion, judgment, evaluation, expectation, and meaning of the subject to the phenomenon they experience. However, a phenomenological researcher still needs to understand in advance the principles of phenomenology. Without understanding it, a researcher will not be able to analyze research data that has been transcribed into a description or table in the context of phenomenology. The thing that needs to be emphasized is that the stages of research stated above are not standard procedures in phenomenological research. What has been described is only one variation of phenomenological research methodology that can be used. Keyword: Phenomenology, Qualitative, Research Methods Abstrak: Fenomenologi saat ini berkembang sebagai salah satu metode penelitian mendasar dengan mengutamakan kehormatan atas keunikan manusia dan pengalaman subjektif. Fenomena seperti yang dialami secara sadar oleh manusia dianalisis oleh dua deskripsi: deskripsi tekstual dan deskripsi tulisan-tulisan terdahulu. Fenomenologi, pada dasarnya, mengajarkan orang untuk berinteraksi dan belajar lebih banyak dari fenomena sehingga makna realitas, dan esensi alami dari realitas, dapat dipahami oleh pengamat. Menggunakan studi literatur, yaitu menyelesaikan persoalan dengan menelusuri sumber-sumber tulisan yang pernah dibuat sebelumnya. Pengalaman subjek, dalam hal ini, merupakan fenomena yang menjadi subject matter yang diteliti. Dimensi pertama merupakan pengalaman faktual si subjek, bersifat objektif bahkan fisikal, sedangkan dimensi kedua merupakan opini, penilaian, eveluasi, harapan, dan pemaknaan subjek terhadap fenomena yang dialaminya. Namun, seorang peneliti fenomenologi tetap perlu memahami terlebih dahulu prinsip-prinsip fenomenologi. Tanpa memahaminya, seorang peneliti tidak akan mampu menganalisis data penelitian yang sudah ditranskripsikan ke dalam uraian atau tabel dalam konteks fenomenologi. Hal yang perlu ditekankan adalah bahwa tahapan-tahapan penelitian yang dikemukakan di atas bukanlah prosedur baku dalam penelitian fenomenologi. Apa yang telah diuraikan hanyalah salah satu variasi metodologi penelitian fenomenologi yang dapat dipakai. Kata Kunci: Fenomenologi, Kualitatif, Metode Penelitian
GRAPH DATABASE AND SQL DATABASE: A Comparative Study Lukman Hadijanto
ENSAINS JOURNAL Vol 2, No 1 (2019): ENSAINS Journal Januari 2019

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (0.272 KB) | DOI: 10.31848/ensains.v2i1.150


AbstractToday's reality is that everything being more and more interconnected. And as reality being developing into that situation, the information realm has to cope with this new situation - more interconnected, more interrelated objects. One important component in managing information is database. The current established database is relational database, in which information of objects are saved in tables, and their relationship with other objects in foreign key constraints. This relational database is proven to be reliable and robust, but there is a new database development where the interconnectivity between objects being the focus. This new kind of database is called graph database.As a new breed of database, we want to compare graph database with the established relational database. Having some works been done on this database comparison,  here we focus on  the subjective and objective review of usage easiness and the response time of graph database compared to relational databaseAs the result, querying graph database is more natural than relational database. The cypher query language is easy to understand and intuitive. Adding depth of query in cypher language is just like adding a link of a chain. On the other hand, the query response time of relational database is much better than graph database. Current implementation of graph database is still less impressive than relational database in term of time performance. Relational database is still the promising choice for time-critical application.
ENSAINS JOURNAL Vol 2, No 1 (2019): ENSAINS Journal Januari 2019

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (0.272 KB) | DOI: 10.31848/ensains.v2i1.149


Abstract:. The requirement of consumed drinking water so that it does not create disturbance to public health is that it needs a quality monitoring. Water fluoridation in Tembagapura City aims to reach its concentration level toward certain safe level, and it can provide maximum benefits for dental health. Analysis and simulation methods using EPAnet software. The results of hydrolic simulation and water quality for fluoride concentration of each node and link in the drinking water distribution network system have changed in every time change following the drinking water distribution segment. From hydraulic simulations, especially for head and flow at separate points, it consists of simultaneous solution in flow equivalence for every junction and headloss relationship in every link of network as a result of hydraulic balancing. New segment will be made at the end of each link that receives inflow from a node if the quality of the new node is different from the link in the last segment. Every pipe in network contains singular segment where the water quality is in line with the preliminary quality stated in the preliminary node. With the availability of hydraulic model and water quality for fluoride concentration, a further research can be conducted for chlorine decay, growth of by product i.e. Trihalomethans (THMs) as well as water age simultaneously in drinking water supply systems in Tembagapura City.  Keyword: EPAnet, distribution network, fluoride concentration. Abstrak: Persyaratan kualitas air minum yang dikonsumsi masyarakat agar tidak menimbulkan gangguan kesehatan, maka penyelenggara air minum perlu melakukan pemantauan kualitasnya. Fluoridasi air di Kota Tembagapura ditujukan untuk mencapai tingkat konsentrasi fluoride pada level tertentu yang aman dan dapat memberikan manfaat maksimal bagi kesehatan gigi. Metode analisis dan simulasi menggunakan perangkat lunak EPAnet. Hasil simulasi hidrolis dan kualitas air untuk konsentrasi fluoride pada setiap node dan link pada sistem jaringan distribusi air minum berubah pada setiap perubahan waktu mengikuti segmen distribusi air minum tersebut. Dari simulasi hidrolis, khusus untuk head dan aliran pada titik yang terpisah meliputi penyelesaian secara simultan dalam persamaan aliran untuk tiap sambungan (junction), dan hubungan headloss pada setiap link pada jaringan sebagai akibat dari hydrolic balancing. Segmen baru terbentuk pada akhir dari setiap link yang menerima inflow dari sebuah node, jika kualitas node baru berbeda dari link pada segmen terakhir. Setiap pipa dalam jaringan mengandung segmen tunggal, di mana kualitas air sebanding dengan kualitas awal yang ditetapkan di node awal. Dengan tersedianya model hidrolis dan kualitas air untuk konsentrasi fluoride, maka dapat dilakukan penelitian lanjutan untuk peluruhan klorin, pertumbuhan by product yaitu trihalomethans (THMs) serta usia air secara simultan pada sistem penyediaan air minum di Kota Tembagapura.Kata Kunci: EPAnet, jaringan distribusi, konsentrasi fluoride.
PENGARUH WAKTU CURING TERHADAP KUAT TEKAN GEOPOLIMER BERBASIS FLY ASH Andrie Harmaji; Claudia Claudia; Lia Asri; Bambang Sunendar; Ahmad Nuruddin
ENSAINS JOURNAL Vol 2, No 1 (2019): ENSAINS Journal Januari 2019

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (0.272 KB) | DOI: 10.31848/ensains.v2i1.152


Abstract:. Suralaya power plant produces fly ash about 219.000 ton per year. Fly ash contents of silica and alumina as major components that can be used as precursors for geopolymer, a three dimensional networks aluminosilicate polymers. This research aim is to utilize fly ash for geopolymer made by mixing fly ash, fine aggregate, and alkali activator in a cubic mould and curing was carried out at room temperature for 7 and 28 days. After 28 days of curing the compressive strength of geopolymer reached 41.70 MPa. XRD characterization shows Albite (NaAlSi3O8) formation which has similarity to geopolymer compound. Fourier Transform Infra Red spectra show siloxo and sialate bond. These are typical functional groups that are found in geopolymer materials.Keyword: geopolymer, fly ash, aluminosilicate, alkali activator, albite, siloxo, sialateAbstrak: Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Uap (PLTU) Suralaya menghasilkan fly ash (abu terbang) sekitar 219.000 ton per tahun. Fly ash memiliki silika dan alumina sebagai komponen utama yang dapat digunakan sebagai prekursor untuk geopolimer, suatu material polimer aluminosilikat tiga dimensi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memanfaatkan fly ash untuk geopolimer yang dibuat dengan mencampur fly ash, agregat halus, dan aktivator alkali dalam cetakan kubik dan pengawetan dilakukan pada suhu kamar selama 7 dan 28 hari. Setelah 28 hari curing kekuatan tekan geopolimer mencapai 41,70 MPa. Karakterisasi XRD menunjukkan pembentukan Albite (NaAlSi3O8) yang memiliki kemiripan dengan senyawa geopolimer. Hasil spektroskopi Fourier Transform Infra Red (FTIR) menunjukkan ikatan siloxo dan sialate yang merupakan gugus fungsional khas yang ditemukan dalam geopolimer.Kata Kunci: geopolimer, abu terbang, aluminosilikat, alkali aktivator, albite, siloxo, sialate
ENSAINS JOURNAL Vol 2, No 1 (2019): ENSAINS Journal Januari 2019

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (0.272 KB) | DOI: 10.31848/ensains.v2i1.207


Abstract: Improvement of quantity and quality of signal already become a must for TelecommunicationOperator to keep maintaining or developing their customers satisfication. Quantity anda quality of signalhave more influenced by many things, one of them is by coverage which is produced by power fromtransmitter (BTS). Antenna tilt and PICH Gain are two kinds which are have influence for spreading andoriented of signal in producing coverage. Eventhough those are have good and bad influence even forthat coverage if selves or for others channels in CDMA 2000 1X network. The differences of results fromsimulation from those changes are the main of this research project, especially influence for Ec/Iocoverage which is representative for signal quality and Rx level which is representative for signal quantity.Keyword: PICH, Rx Level, Ec/IoAbstrak: Peningkatan kuantitas dan kualitas sinyal sudah merupakan suatu keharusan bagi perusahanpenyedia jasa telekomunikasi untuk terus mempertahankan atau menambah pelanggannya. Kuantitasdan kualitas sinyal sangat dipengaruhi oleh cakupan yang dihasilkan oleh power dari suatu pemancar(BTS). Kemiringan antenna dan PICH gain adalah kedua hal yang sangat mempengaruhi keluaran danpemfokusan daya dalam menghasilkan cakupan sinyal. Namun demikian keduanya memiliki pengaruhyang baik dan buruk terhadap cakupan itu sendiri ataupun pada kanal-kanal yang lain dalam jaringanCDMA 2000 1X. Perbandingan hasil simulasi dari kedua perubahan tersebut yang akan menjadi inti daripenelitian ini, terutama pengaruhnya terhadap cakupan Ec/Io yang menunjukkan kualitas sinyal dancakupan Rx level yang menunjukkan kuantitas sinyal.Kata Kunci: PICH, Rx Level, Ec/Io
PENGELOLAAN KAWASAN PEMUKIMAN DAN KOMERSIAL PASIRKOJA BANDUNG Desta Rahayu Supriatna; Karto Wijaya; Rochmanijar Setiady; Purwadi Purwadi; Cevi M Taufik
ENSAINS JOURNAL Vol 2, No 1 (2019): ENSAINS Journal Januari 2019

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (0.272 KB) | DOI: 10.31848/ensains.v2i1.183


Abstract:. Regional area Pasirkoja is suburban in Bandung City which has existed netherland government before Indonesia independence which is part of area inhabited by the indigeneous people of Indonesia itself and by the Dutch company. With development of the time Pasirkoja has arrived by the chinese comunnity and also migrants from other regions that making region Pasirkoja Bandung City into diverse society. As time went Pasirkoja was limitated space an became narrow and densely populated. This research aims to provide data and phenomenal facts that happened in Region Pasirkoja Bandung City. The method use qualitative descriptived research. This research intented to describe phenomenon that exists that in in the field shape, activity, characteristic, change, relations, similarity,and differences phenomenon so in this study no manipulation was done just describe according to reality or condition of existing location.    Keyword: Regional Changes, Area DevelopmentAbstrak: Kawasan Daerah Pasirkoja adalah kawasan pemukiman di kota Bandung yang sudah ada sejak pada jaman pemerintahan Belanda sebelum Kemerdekaan Negara Indonesia yang sebagian daerahnya didiami oleh rakyat pribumi indonesia sendiri dan oleh masyarakat Belanda juga. Dengan berkembangnya seiring jaman daerah setelah era kemerdekaan daerah pasirkoja juga kedatangan masyarakat tionghoa dan juga banyak pendatang dari daerah lain dari pinggiran Kota Bandung yang mendiami Daerah tersebut sehingga daerah Pasirkoja Kota Bandung menjadi salah satu daerah dengan keberagaman penduduknya. Namun dengan seiring waktu dan jaman daerah pasirkoja dengan keterbatasaan ruang semakin sempit dan padat. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memberikan data dan fakta fenomena yang terjadi di daerah kawasan Pasirkoja Kota Bandung. Metode yang digunakan adalah penelitian deskriptif kualitatif. Penelitian ini ditujukan untuk mendeskripsikan atau menggambarkan fenomena-fenomena yang ada di lapangan seperti bentuk, aktivitas, karakteristik, perubahan, hubungan, kesamaan dan perbedaan fenomena sehingga dalam penelitian ini tidak dilakukan maniipulasi hanya menggambarkan sesuai kenyataan atau kondisi eksisting dillokasi.Kata Kunci : Perubahan Kawasan, Pengembangan Kawasan.
ENSAINS JOURNAL Vol 2, No 1 (2019): ENSAINS Journal Januari 2019

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (0.272 KB) | DOI: 10.31848/ensains.v2i1.151


Abstract:. Bali is one of destination that chosen by tourist because of many attraction available. Today, this place has become the number one destination based on traveler choice, One of the destination in Bali is Jatilewih and it is recently admitted by UNESCO as the one of heritages in the world. In branding activity, the management of Jatilewih holds an event named Jatilewih Agricultrue Festival. It is the first held in the year of 2017. This research objective is to analised the used of muktisensory element which applied in the event. This research used qualitative methodology and indepth interview methods to the management and visitor. The reaseach found that something dominant will be easily remembered if it is applied as the center idea as the strategy. In the execution, is is necessary to make that dominant will be a center idea in order that people can receive the message of branding.   Keyword: Multisensory, Branding , Event  Abstrak: Bali merupakan salah satu destinasi pilihan wisatawan dengan tersedianya  beragam jenis pariwisata. Bali kini menjadi salah satu tujuan pariwisata nomor satu bedasarkan pilihan travelers. Salah satu daerah tujuan wisata yang mendapatkan penganugrahan sebagai situs warisan budaya adalah Jatilewih. Dalam kegiatan branding nya, pengelola Jatilewih mengadakan event pertanian yang dinamakan Jatilewih Agriculture Fesival. Event ini pertama kali digelar pada tahun 2017. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisa multisensory elemen dan penerapannya dalam event Jatilewih Agriculture Festival tersebut. Penelitian ini menggunakan metodologi kualitatif dengan metode wawancara mendalam kepada pengelola dan pengunjung event tersebut. Hasil penelitian dari reset ini menemukan bahwa sesuatu yang bersifat dominan akan diingat oleh pengunjung dan hal ini akan membantu proses branding. Perlunya menentukan kedominanan pada sesuatu eksekusi event dalam hal menciptakan pengalaman dari para pengunjung untuk mengingat Jatilewih dalam memori mereka.  Hal ini ditekankan pada penentuan ide central dalam melakukan aktivitas branding agar pesan mudah diterima oleh pengunjung event.Kata kunci : Multisensory, Branding, Event
ENSAINS JOURNAL Vol 2, No 1 (2019): ENSAINS Journal Januari 2019

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (0.272 KB) | DOI: 10.31848/ensains.v2i1.182


Abstract:. Development is a process of making aperture (tunnel) is done by dismantling (excavation) both manually and mechanically. The results to be obtained that is in the form of opening holes according to Grasberg Block Cave (GBC Mine) production plan based on the purpose of the open pit function. Propose is done to support other fix facility in order to support the Production Plan in 2018. Completion of a hole openings (Tunnel) with the rule that is a continuous stage (cycle development) that there must be a good control system of development process. Control that is done design engineering and its application in the field. The fact is that in 2015 - 2016, the target gain is not in line with expectations and causes the meter (d Equivalent meter) of operational development at the extraction level in the GBC Underground mine to decrease by 50 - 55% or about 641 meter up to 1000 meter difference of the second plan of the year.Identification of the current problem is the process of progress of opening aperture that has not reached the target because one of the process in the cycle development of Mucking and Hauling not achieved the target because of some basic things. The minimal information and low support of the reporting system caused some strategic decisions to be delayed and caused simultaneous cycles to experience significant constraints. A centralized and fast-accessible Information System from either input or share data by all stakeholders responsible for operational project development tunnel is very supportive. Good motivation greatly affects the performance of each stakeholder working on the project, so that the appropriate approach according to Human needs can be done in order to increase productivity.Project Management with CPM method as well as Human Resource Management (Motivation application of Abraham Maslow) becomes an option in humanizing according to the Root problem obtained by the Current Reality Tree method. The hope is that the development process runs quickly, safely and safely and operational with little operational expense and minimal repetitiveKeywords: cycle development, production plan, underground mine
ENSAINS JOURNAL Vol 2, No 1 (2019): ENSAINS Journal Januari 2019

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (0.272 KB) | DOI: 10.31848/ensains.v2i1.176


Abstract: The purpose of this research is to identify and descripting Dawan ethnic group teenager from the rural area of South Timor Tengah regency to communicate as the part of identity conservation and development when enrolling high school or working in Kupang City. Identification and description include how they’re communicating and using traditional words, daily habits, and using social media as communication forum with the fellow Dawan ethnic group. This research method is using qualitative approach with case study. Selected observation technique, unstructured interview is utilized for data collecting. Post-teenager ethnical background interacting with the different ethnical group could shift and change their original ethnical identity. Keywords: cultural identity, dawan ethnic group, teenager, communicationAbstrak: Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengidentifikasikan dan mendeskripsikan  remaja Suku Dawan yang berasal dari  pedalaman Kabupaten Timor Tengah Selatan dalam berkomunikasi sebagai upaya melestarikan dan mengembangkan identitas kulturalnya saat mereka menempuh sekolah lanjutan maupun bekerja di Kota Kupang. Identifikasi dan deskripsi meliputi bagaimana mereka : berbahasa dan menggunakan kata-kata, beradat kebiasaan sehari-hari dan  menggunakan media sosial sebagai forum komunikasi dengan sesama dari suku  dan daerah yang sama. Metode penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan studi kasus. Pengumpulan data menggunakan teknik observasi terseleksi, wawancara tak terstruktur. Latar budaya etnik setelah remaja tersebut bersentuhan dengan etnik yang berbeda dan membawa pergeseran dalam identitas budaya.Keywords : identitas kultural, Suku Dawan, remaja, komunikasi.

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